Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the road of succsess

yara says:

It Just a Place I caN't Call it By Name As WoRDs Don't Help Me RiGht Nw But It GrOws With Us It waS Just Like a MeetinG Point of OuR ThouGhts & IDeas and a Lap To Develop Them AlthOuGH Those Ideas &ThouGhts maybe Compeletly Diferrent, We maY bE Small In Age But Frm The BeGininG IT WAS Not Like a PeRmenant PlaCe for FuN & JoY ALthouGh OuR GRoup is full of Joy & Fun It Doesn't LoSe its SeRious SiDe ,it OuGht 2 Have, as we Talked In it and We'Re still TalKinG abOUT ReliGiouS SiDes,Political SiDes,Daily Life and Hw It ShoulD Be ,OuR TemPer anD HW 2 Improve It By the ExprienCe of The OtheR Persons ,Hw 2 ManaGe a Disscusion and RespeCt The aGainst Opinion
and It MakeS Me AND I Think all The ADmins Know The TRue Meaning of Responsblity of OwninG A Place We're Resoponisble aBout all Its Small Details

In a WoRd it's JuST LiKe a SpiDeR Net Of connection Between Us & this Net GRows Day By Day

In My Life School Mates Group Makes Me See World From Diferrent Way as I See The Things From The Boths Sides Which Make People Respect Me , On The Other Hand in my personality School Mates Gives Me Communication Skills And Learnt me How To Express My 0pinion In a Respectful way , And Listen To Others And Also Think Of Others.

I Considered It as a Place Wich I can Meet My Friends Whenever I Need Them

some talents that were discovered in our group

Mahmod nady :

ya gama3a do0o0l kam roba3ya kda katabt-hom...ya3nii kul 7aga le-wa7daha

::: He  said :::

i didn't know what's go wrong when i see u

i was prepearing ma wordz 2 u 

then they suddenly go..

but u have to know..da way i luv u
there is a senstive point between me and u....

and people used too...

go to stress on it...but they have to know..

that ma chance..which i hoped so......
some people follow the others wherever they are.

and those who are followed think they are stars.

U can beat them by ignoring and stress.

because they are stupid..of their cleverness.

u force me 2 be ..the perso whom i luv

and nw u have to see

that's impossible...and above

above impossible..is nothin' 
and nw no more tiredness...

Cuz my heart will make u hidden...

and i put him under stress

to make ur love forbidden......
it was my wrong to suppose..

i was loving you

u r forced nw to choose....to stay or to go...

and don't choose me..Cuz..i don't want you..........................

i can't believe ur words...

but sadly i have to do...

i put around my heart guards..

avoiding him from u..................
U can't force me..CuZ i return ma mind...

and u always seem to be...

a childern who is kind...

and that makes me blind....
remember that night....my arms was across...

under moon's light..we have loved both...

but nw i wanna tell u...

that wasn't the truth.
u r awy of me

i took many steps

plz don't come

and broke ma hapinnes

Don't seem 2 be innocent....who deal with ppl without violent...

but u made a big wrong...that ur heart was for rent...

So bad people come 2 lend....and u leave it 2 them..

And nw u have 2 know ...ur role has just end

i can say it with nothing of fear..

i can say it and everyone can hear..

i can say it but don't close ur ear..

i can say it..if u heared it my ear..

it's that .....I LUV U MADLY...babyyy

Another beautiful words:

remember that night....my arms was across...
under moon's light..we have loved both...
and i'm bright ..to tell u the truth..
i know it's a bad sight..to se ur lover thoughtless
i'm sorry for ma slight..plz recive my regrets
just nw try 2 hold me tight..i swear i don't ran away agaain
and also the girl u thought i love .. ii just tried to hide my pain
so i wrote this poem .. to show you my self's lame ...........(N.B..:..lame to me)
plz baby i wanna tel u..i hurt u with no such plan
ur to me is ordinary..branched thing also the main...
i know i hurt u too much..but this time it isn't a game..
the best simily 2 me is a dry land ..who wait f r the rain (U)
SO would u do it my luv........AND LUV ME AGAIN
and also he made this great vedio about our group history 
watch it :)

yara yossef :

Everytime I say I'll 4get all about it there is always something renew 
it there is always something turned it upside down 
and turn my GATES of MEMORIES ON even I killed it several times
but all these attempts failed CUZ I KNOW that I still luv u
I still adore u Y it turned on again even I was just about 2 4get
OR AT least persuade myself that i BEGAN 2 4get
Ohhh wat Shall i do??????????
anybody HELP.........
anybody KNOW ...........
ohhh it come back AGAIN stronger than it was
ur CALL make it come back 
ur SOUND heal it AGAIN 
wheN I see u i shaverand my HEART Beats strongly 
but the Problem Not that seeing u renew everything 
but it everytime u give me a NEW LITTLE HOPE
and then take it again with ur unspoken wordz 
is my only fault that I WAS trying 2 4get u or
or isn't u so COWERT????!!!!!
F0rce Me 2 4give cause I won't 4give
Even the time PASS & the yearz go on 
Even the bell ring & it was the END
2 the END i won't 4give 

All my lifetime i won't 4get 
Wat u made RE@LLY make me me feel left 0Ut 
shout & SH0UT 
U bRoke s0meone's heart 

U make it br0KE into THe half 
AND the pain is doubled and doubled 
CuZ U COME BACK & easily say 
it's NOT my MISTAKE it's not My fault
Really it wasn't UR fault it WAsn't UR mistake
it was my FAULT 
like U SO force me 2 4give 

CUZ I won't 4give u make me 4GEt 
All about 4giveness But 2 make ur mind FREE 
am ALIVE & AM still in LIFE 
aNd i must have a liFE
s0 force me 2 4give 
4GIveNESS iS NOthing

I know that wat I D0 make the distance
more far between U & I
bUt U haVe 2 underSTAND .....
that wat I do is the opposite of WAT I REALLY FEEL
when I look 2 U I don't see anyone bUt U
when I look 2 U it's my GREATt happiness
when I talk 2 U it's the REST of my happiness 
I know that my behaviour is really HARD
bUt U have just 2 UNDERSTAND
I know I seem really careless 
bUt it's absoulotely N0T the trUth
THe truth is that when Ii look 2 U
I don't see any another person bUt U
so can U help me can U stay with me 
with all I've done nd wa tI will do
I know that wat I made make the distance more far between U & I
just I'll pray that U will wait just WAIT...........
PLZ stand my behaviour and D0N'T go so far
the distance become more far & far so wat can I do and wat can U do
answer me will U leave me or stay with me PLZ stay with me & stand me IF U CAN 
& if U can'ti hope the best 4 u & 4 eva i'll love u"


Noha gamal :

do u remember the day u told me u luv me??

do u remember the day i told u i luv u too??

do u remember the 1st time u touched my hands??

do u remember when u told me u r so beautiful 2night and hold on my hands to ur lips??

do u remember how i felt then

i know u dont 

but i cant blame u

coz i opened my eyes 

and noticed that IT WAS JUST A DREAM

1st songs:…..

Da time Goes on..and the tareget getting hard..And going away
i'm trying not to wrong..and she puts a guard..who is thy..and make m cry
and they didn't no..what i wanna know ..and who is she..soon will be...
Chorus :i have 2 wait..and let them know ..ma target
ma taregt isn't a person..but all i know..and no one know..
the most have done..but he wanna a go...just a go..
they say it has gone...but i don't think so

Chorus :i have 2 wait..and let them know ..ma target

this is the time ..who isn't for me
they see love as a crime...specialy.
for person like me...who Treated as an enemy
ba some people who wanna make me..
loss everything..and may be..

Chorus :i have 2 wait..and let them know ..ma target

this is what they see..of a loving couple
and their jealousy convert...into the douple..
and wrongly they hurt..another people
soon they will know...that everything is variable

Chorus :i have 2 wait..and let them know ..ma target


l-donya tellef bena....kol youm bnshoof be3neena..7agat gdeda 3alina..feeha yedda7ak ..we feeha l-ye5alleek te3ayat..we leena msal ..fekra baseeta ..menha katabt l-synaryo we l-7war...fe mogtama3..wa7ed yellef zy l-7omar..........27na b-gd msh fahmeen ......27na b-gd msh 3arfeen...........fe mogtama3..l-kaway leeh shanna we rannatean..we l-da3eef ta7t l-regleen..we wa7ed bewesheen...ma3 l-23la menno ..7atet fe bozo gazmetean..we ma3 l-da3eef yedrabo 2alameen aw yeheeno bekelmetean...kalamy l-kol l-nas ...sha3b 7okoma we mo3ardeen....ya 3alam 7esso beena 27na b-gd msh fahmeen ...b-gd msh fahmeen...ya nas 2olo leena 3an 7koooma we mo3rdeen...la meshet wara l-7kooma l-nas hat2ool 3aleek gaban ...we lw 2olt ana mo3ared...teb2a 7a2ee2y msh insan .....we lw l-7al l-islam...teb2a sa3eteha akiid irhaby..tb l-nas tessadda2 meen..7kooma walla mo3ardeen...we l-na7ya l-tanya 5ales fe 3omal we fal7een akiid bardo msh fahmeeen ..lamma l-motta3allemeen yekoono msh fahmeen we bean kol da fe nas ma3doomeen...5alas l-ta3leem ma ba2alo 2eema ....bardo hata5od gazma 2adeema ...we nateeget kol da ...akiid 3alam gareema.....mahma 2olna we mahma 3edna hanefdal msh fahmeen ...wala hanlaa2y 2htmam ...mn sha3b wala mas2ooleeen....we kaman l-mo3ardeen...we bardo mafeesh fayda .. kalamy fe l-zbala we b3d l-ana 2olto 5alas mafeesh 2wala.....
 4-hadeer aly:
she had made that vedio for our trips together
watch it :)

A7la Topics :: le 23az 2s7aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab ::

WhTt's Ur MooD Right Nw..??!!
kol yoom do3a2
WAt DO U fEel WHen?
WhaT Do YoU WaNNa RiGht Nw..??!!
kont 3aiza t2ol a 2day
WaT'S On uR MInD??
nefsk t2ol lly f balk a w a aktar 7d 2nt mdai2 mno nw
Ur undelivered MSG...??
7lwa el-l3ba di
يلا نصلى على النبى
عند دخولنا الى الانتر نت هيا بنا نكتب الشهادتين
...Share Us Ur Status...
BtSma3 Eh Nw..??!!
Only 10 SeCoNdS....
I DON'T KNOW !!!!!
1sT AnniVeRsArY
3aiziiin nsli el-tahgod kolnaa b3d kiam el-liel swabha gameel
Just 4 fun...
IdEaS Of DeVeLoPmEntT...
kol wa7ed ye2ool nefsoo ye7sal a nw?????
20oOol 7aLtK eL nAfSiA 3aMLa a?

1st things done by ::..23az 2s7ab::..

2weel topic  ::   the true frnd    ;;

2weel video :: :::.: u can break luv but it won't die :::

27la video:  OuR sChool (AnD NoT PrOuD) " but nw we are soo PrOuD"

2wel event : HapP fEaSt 2 aLL……. Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2wel photo ::

2weeeel 2s7ab :: hadeer 3li we noha gamal::
:: :: hadder 3bdlfatah we yomna nasr
:: :: mahmod nady we yara yossef
:: mennaabdelkader ::

The names of our group ::::::::

A3az As7aaB

School MateS

2nd prep ::..School MateS::..

3rd prep ::.. school mates::..

.::: ScHooL MaTeS :::. OPeN ThE GaTeS :::.

What we have in our group : 419 members
1,645 links
24 videos
 517 topic
1,641 photos
Beautiful brothers and sisters
Intelligent brains

I ask some active members 2 questions :: a r2yak fe el 2dmins ?
:: a r2yak fe el gp ?

Let's see the answers::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

El Fanana       
Hedo: kwisa w active fel videos w fel topics wel comments
yoka :active fel topics wel videos wel comments
Nady : active in videos w l topics w l pics wel comments ana l sra7a shyfa eno active awiii
Hadeer: active in topics
Noha : less active shwya fel group l sra7a
yara w hya active in comments
menna : active in topics wel comments 
w ana l sra7a shayfa n mn 3'eer ay admine mn dol mymsheesh l group kwis w bgd l group da ana b7bo gdn w howa gamed a5er 7agaaa

I ask all the admins some questions :

** Describe the group !!
** 2sTafatt a Mn el group ? 
** el group daf a le 7yatk el 3ma we daf a le your personality ?!
** A r2yak fe el admins except you??!

The answers was :
Hadder ali :
1-our group is Another way to be felt like living with every one u know and is a good way to keep in touch with lots of people, and discover fun and useful things from hearing what they're all up to.and in simple way the group describe my life
2-the group has lots and lots of benifits to me 1-st in the religious side it keeps providing me with informations and increase my religious knowledge and that is some thing that i can't be more glade for also IT's almost best way for us to gossip :D not always by bad way but it helps alot with the  updates on school and provides us with every little detail we may had missed in the school and also there's like 517 topics on the group with different subjects and informations that are sure very good for us ..also it's the best way if we wanted to deliever any msgs to any school mate of ours and like i said before it's describes my life

3-school mates group nw is almost a trend ;) in our area we simply reached a great level of success in such a small time because we simply stepped out of the box and presented something new 
the group had affected my life in a great way it's enough for me to say that it makes me know personalities well and that made me learn not to misjudge any one and  it made me  know much sisters and brothers ..
4-my opinion in admins
1-yara yousef :she is clever and gives alot to the group with that cleverness and she is seriouse and that is what i like about her
2-hadeer 3abdo :she is the one with the great sense of humor she is funny and that appear on the group 
3-yomna nasr : she is cool and funky and gives alot to the group
4-nuha gamal :she is a sweetheart and sure her missing affects
5-mahmoud nady : he is the one who deals with electronics he is the best at it thank god and sure when he became an admin the group changed alot...

Mahmod nady :

1-School Mates Is 0ne Of The Groups Whic Make A big Opportunity For Communication Between The Members In a very Respectful Way , I Considered It as a Place Wich I can Meet My Friends Whenever I Need Them , A Place In Which I Can Make New Friends , It Grow Day By Day , With Some Few Amendments and Right Manegment School Mates Will Be The Image Of What Teenagers Could Be.

2-School Mates Gave Me The Place Where I Can Express My Opinion In , I can spend my time in something useful , or at least something is not harmful nor wrong.

3-In My Life School Mates Group Makes Me See World From Diferrent Way as I See The Things From The Boths Sides Which Make People Respect Me , On The Other Hand in my personality School Mates Gives Me Communication Skills And Learnt me How To Express My 0pinion In a Respectful way , And Listen To Others And Also Think Of Others.

4-School Mates Admins have intelligent brains , They Can Do Extraordinary Things But They Didn't have a dream to work for . So I Advise Them all to have a drem First then they have to Cooperate to achive it , We Have all To See How We Can we Develop our GP.
Hadeer Ali : Has The Most effect On The Group , She Did A lot For GP , And I Think Sometimes She Plays The Role Of Manager By Watching Members Only In a Clever way.

Yara : The Most Creative Admin , Also an Active One But In a Non Uniform Way , She Did A lot For GP in the Last Time .

Yumna : She Has A lot Of energy To do Things But Not From Herself .. With Some Directing She Will Be More impact on the group.

Hadeer Abd El-Fattah : Didn't Know Much About Her .. All I've Noticed That Whenever She Is Inactive You Feel The Space She Left. 

Noha : Almost She Can Be The Best Admin If She Want , She Has Gereat Talents But She isn't Interested in The Work On GP Enough , I Hope She Work Because Her Work Will Be Very useful For The GP.

Finally School Mates Confirms The Idee That Say .. Teenagers Have Many Skills And You Can Take Out Great Work From Them , But They Need Some Of Care And Directing

yara yossef:

It Just a Place I caN't Call it By Name As WoRDs Don't Help Me RiGht Nw But It GrOws With Us It waS Just Like a MeetinG Point of OuR ThouGhts & IDeas and a Lap To Develop Them AlthOuGH Those Ideas &ThouGhts maybe Compeletly Diferrent, We maY bE Small In Age But Frm The BeGininG IT WAS Not Like a PeRmenant PlaCe for FuN & JoY ALthouGh OuR GRoup is full of Joy & Fun It Doesn't LoSe its SeRious SiDe ,it OuGht 2 Have, as we Talked In it and We'Re still TalKinG abOUT ReliGiouS SiDes,Political SiDes,Daily Life and Hw It ShoulD Be ,OuR TemPer anD HW 2 Improve It By the ExprienCe of The OtheR Persons ,Hw 2 ManaGe a Disscusion and RespeCt The aGainst Opinion
and It MakeS Me AND I Think all The ADmins Know The TRue Meaning of Responsblity of OwninG A Place We're Resoponisble aBout all Its Small Details

In a WoRd it's JuST LiKe a SpiDeR Net Of connection Between Us & this Net GRows Day By Day

Many Benfits 
1st Benfit:IN The Religous side It StRenghts My Religous Information, Wat Wonderful was The Group In RamDan and Besides Hw Beautiful Was EL AD3yaaa wl A7aDiiis wl ReliGouS Topics {Personal BenFiit EL ReliGous TopiCs eli 3Mltha Ya RaB Nko0on A5dNA kOLNA 3Liiiha SawaaaB Ya Rab w Yko0oN RaBna TakBal Mnna Kolna}

2nd Benfit: In Poltical SiDes Let me Say It In ARabic as OuR DiffRent Views {وسعت افاق عقلى}I ThiNk this Statement was MeaninGFul

3rd Benfit :In My Personality I am MaYBe a little Nervous But With oUr lonG Discussions 4 MoRe Than a Year it LearnT Me Hw 2 Respect Other People AnD Their Pont oF View Speek My Mind in a Repectful way It MaY Be make Me GRow Up SeveRal YeaRs But also it's Not That Serious when I Need Bro. and Sis. in the My AGe I Found Them RiGht 2 ME and we Gained Hw 2 Understad The True Meaning Of Responsablity

4th Benfit : It's a net Of Connection Betwee me adn The School Sometimes

5th Benfit :Social Views AND community with GReat Co-Operation 

But wat Makes Me Wonder all ThiS IntilliGent Brains where Is there Destination ,Dream ,Location In a WoRd i Can call It TaRGet 

MaYbe We'Re Just TeenageRs But we'Re Ourselves & we'll Be All the Time, But with A MeaningFul TarGet We'RE more than NoRmal TeenAGers we'Ve Extraordinary Powerful That Should Be Mentioned in OuR Views and TaRgets
Hadeer Ali : Da Most Effective WinG Of This Co-Operation As She Created it frm the Begining Her Pressence Is Special cuZ SHE iS ALWAYS Avaible but without anyBoDy Notice But when we Notice it There Must be SomethiNg SPecial She BrouGht to us and to her G-P

Noha Gamal : SmaRt Clever Can do More 4 this GP If she's Interested she's Talents Qualified Her To Do it and be More Effective But she iS EFfective but she can do more

Hader 3Bdo : Can't imaGine Da Group without Her she is The Basic REASON for Joy and Good tricks and many InteRsting Games She's added she Really Makes Difference

Youmna : Many Ideas many ThouGhts Mnay Active Deeds ought to have the Right JoB And Destination It sometimes maybe uncontrolable but it's not A passive ThinG 

Mahmoud :Creative i Think he added Really Many ThinGs to The G-P And surely he can Give More nd more just WoRk on ur Final Touch

Yomna nasr :

1st..el grOup Gamd Gdn Gdn We a7la 7aga Enu Bytkalm f Kazaaa tOpic.... 
2nd.....hwa ely Estafadt Menu Best Su7aB we e5watt We el t0pics Mu3zamha M0fEeda Gdn Ka M3LoMaat ..We KeSebt a7la e5wat We fRiendZz 4EVa.. we Gad3iin Gdnn GurLz We BoYz
3rd...eL adminZz p2a f3LN yest72u 3shan huma Kwaisen Gdn Ka a5Laa2 We kul 7aga We aCtive gdn We by3mlu ely 3lehum We Aktr Kaman

1st..hadeer 3li (creat0r )...kwaisa Gdn Men kul 7aga ka SiS. we fRiend We kulu We fl grOup b t3ml Maghud Gamd bgd 3shan nEp2a fl tOp
2nd..Yara Yousseff..Sha5seya Laziza We fUnny We aCtive Gdn 3l GP
MahmOud Nady...BrO. kwais Gdn We a5Laa2a Awiiii We 3l Gp mashuftsh 7ad Mumkn ydaya3 W2t0o 3shan GP zayOo kda 3amel MaghOud Bsara7a Gamd Gdn We all his Work interesting We funny Gdn..
Hadeer 3bdELfata7...The BeSt SiS. eva... we 3asuLa awi We funny Gdn Gdn fo2 el Wasf We tayepa Gdnn Gdnn We aCtive Gdn 3L GP 3La 2ad mte2dar
NOha GamaL....Sis. gamda a5er 7aGa bgddd We taYepa gdn We Laziza awiii awii We 3la Neyatha Gdn Gdn..We bgd a7la fRiend..We aCtive Gdn 3la eLGP.3La 2ad mte2dar...
Menna 3bdelkadEr...Sha5seyaaa GamiLa Gdn We a5LAa2 awi We Laziza .gdn Gdn...we aCtive Gdn 3l GP We brdo bt3ml ely t2dar 3leh 3shan nep2aa fl t0p....

Hadder abd el fatah :
1-el-group gameeed w active 
2-mastafdtsh 7agat kteer :D bs howa momken yekon 3arafney 3la nas kteer feeh 
3-la2 madafsh :D
4-el-admins kwaissen
hadeer 3lii : msh  3la toolactive ,,w msh bt5osh kteer bs dmaa3'ha 7elwa w kanet nice idea 2n hya ta3ml el-group  w bta3ml topics 7elwa w bta3ml 7agat kteera 7elwa fe el-gp bs momken ta3ml 2aktar
yara : active and very very clever w nice member fe el-gp
yomna :active all the time :D 7ta fe el-eXamZ :D w bt7oot links 7elwaa3 :D w 2aktaar wa7da active fe el-gp
noha : sa3aat active w sa3aat la2 w funney 
mahmoud :active all time w bybzaal effort kbeer fe el-gp
me:2na 3arfa 2n mafesh 7ad katb ra2yow fe nafso bs 2na admin gamda w el-gp hayb2a wa7sh men 3'ery :D :D :D:P

menna : we want u back plz 2nty konty admin 7elwa 2wiiw mafesh 7ad haya5od mkank 3shna mafesh 7ad kwaays zayk bsraa7a luv u kteer <3 <3

all the thanks for menna abdoel-kader 

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